Friday, 26 August 2011

Show number 6

Thanks to Thurstan and Ali for their contributions to this weeks show. The books Ali recommended are The Eyre affair by Jasper Fforde and When God was a rabbit by Sara Winman.There are lots of things on this weekend. the Cornwall folk festival runs till monday at various venues in Wadebridge. Les Merton is having an open mike poetry session at the museum in Helston on Thursday 1st september at 7.30. Gaslights bar have acoustic music tomorrow 27th august from 9pm with Chester.Regular poetry events happen at cafe Frug at Penzance arts club every Thursday entry is £4. Miss Peapods has an exciting line up for september starting on 3rd with Matt and Matthew.
Thanks to music by Bob Devereux and Les Merton and the Konteth Karrek choir.
Do the write thing is having a live show at Christmas and we are looking for artists to take part and an audience. If you are interested then get in touch. Wonderlicious.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

friday 26th august

Thurstan Hoskin from Redruth is our guest this week.Ali Rogers will be reviewing When God was a rabbit by Sarah Winman and The eyre affair by Jasper Fforde. There will be music from Les Merton, Bob Devereux and Konteth Karrek choir.
Lots of stories and poetry coming in from writers keen to have their work read on the radio so we are planning a whole programme devoted to these at a future date.
We are still keen to have writers on the programme, just leave your details here also acoustic musicians or you can send in your CDs and if it's original writing then we'll play it.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Number 5 show

Well, lovely show today with the delightful Ann Foxglove and her lovely poems. A real treat to listen to and we will be having more of her in the future. Great music from bob Devereux who is on the show October 7th. Music too from the Emantees, a great choir based in Redruth and the A39s, a real blast from the past.
Remember the China china exhibition still on at Penny Mcbeths gallery in Penryn. Gaslights in Redruth tomorrow for some great bands and also Miss Peapods in Penryn.
There is a chance that the John Harris folk opera may be performed again in Liskeard as part of their John Harris exhibition. Coming soon will be Miriam Moreno's dramatised story, "Orkney"   and a regular book review.
Thanks to everyone who gave comments about the show and to all the listeners.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Show number 5 19th august

This week we have St Agnes poet Ann Foxglove who is also an artist. Ann is starting an open mike session for poetry, song and story in St Agnes in October. Hope everyone will support it. Also on the show we have music and poetry from Bob Devereux and Clive Palmer, the Redruth choir the Emantees and the A39s. Hoping to have a live show nearer Christmas for which we will need a live audience plus lots of performers. We also have 3 plays in the pipeline for broadcast and if you are an actor and are confident reading then get in touch . Any listings to me by thursday please.
See you on friday for another fablushiolicious show.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Show number 4 12th august

Great show today with Allen Forster. The music today was the Geckos, Les Mertons Beat reality, Konteth Karrek choir and Jack and Jenny and more poetry from Paul Farmer.
China China runs at Penny Macbeth's gallery in the high street, Penryn.
Court Yard deli in Falmouth has music from Keir cooper on Wednesday, 7.30.
Portreath institute has a book sale from 10am.
Please leave your contact details if you want to submit a story, poem, play or be an actor on the show and I will get back to you. I am also looking for acoustic musicians who write their own material, comedians too!
Thanks to all the people who have e-mailed, spoken to or face booked me with comments about the show.
See you soon.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

my work stuff

Here are some of the things I am currently engaged on and an exciting lot of things they are too. No work at the school at the moment as they are all on holiday but come the autumn the kids will be doing the Christmas concert.The older kids put on a fantastic version of the Mikado last term. Some of them I have taught drama for years and they are now leaving school. I hope they continue their drama and dance as they are all so talented.  Speaking of the dreaded word, Christmas, I've got a new production of "A Christmas Carol" coming up with one of my community groups which is going to be brilliant judging by all the scenery and costume ideas.
The Keay theatre is going to be the venue for "our Summer Holiday". Earlier this year, we had the show "Pirates" there and what an occasion it was with real life Pirates from Charlestown doing a spot and a capacity crowd. Great stuff!
One of my community groups are raising money for children in need in October with their live juke box and next February are off to the Keay with their pantomime, "Peter Pan".
The singing group, "Emantees" are hoping to get out to the old folks again having wowed the crowd at Royal Cornwall Show and hopefully are making an  appearance at the Falmouth Oyster festival.

do the write thing programme 12th august

Coming up this week on the show, Allen Forster. Allen has been writing for years and gives us some stories this week that have a different slant on life. He also makes films with local film maker Colton Sears which can be viewed at festivals around the country and on Youtube.
 Plus we shall be playing some more of Paul's poetry using a looper from his latest installation on vimeo, Death of detail, some more jazz and poetry from Les Merton and a piece by the Konteth Karrek choir from their folk opera Jack and Jenny. All the listings too of what is happening locally in the arts. Tune in to Redruth Community radio online for an hour of listening pleasure Friday at 3.30 pm.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Do the write thing radio show.

I now have a terrific radio show which goes out live every week on Friday at 3.30.You can find it at Redruth Community radio online. It is a mixture of original poetry, stories, music and plays by local writers and musicians. Every week is live and different, a kind of cabaret for the radio.

Featuring Paul Farmer writer, Les Merton poet and Vonnie Carter, artist and writer. You can leave a message on my blog if you want to contribute to the show or if you want any information as regards the contributors.
Paul Farmers film can be found at
Les Merton s poetry anthology Poetry Cornwall is available form Palores productions, 11a Penryn street Redruth as is his CD Beat reality and his poetry books.
Vonnie Carters art is available from  her exhibition in Redruth running till 12th august.

You can listen to the last three shows here​mes/do-the-write-thing